Use Dragon Nest Mod .Pak Series As Long
Why isn't my whistle working? - You must punch a dragon with the whistle in hand (don't worry it won't hurt it) to select it and then it will work. Any other website is a scam. Credit for the development of this mod is required.You may use this mod in your YouTube Let's Play series as long as you give proper credit and link the Discord Server invite link in the description.This is the only place you can find the actual upload. This mod however has dragon armor(for player and dragon) / tools and fire breathing dragons (added by me), higher dragon health and immunity.This mod can be used in modpacks and donating to my Patreon is not required but it would help tremendously. Once managed by BarracudaAta4 revived by me, TheRPGAdventurer.

The hatching process takes around an hour. Place down your egg in the designated area, right click, and wait for the egg to start shaking. When you try to pick it up, make sure that it's a block and not an entity. How do I hatch a dragon? - You can pick up an egg by punching it. The best place to suggest is our Discord Server.
You can ride a dragon by shift right clicking juvenile or adult dragon to access inventory. Unlike before, now you can tame baby dragons instead of waiting until adulthood. Keep feeding the dragon fish until you can make it sit with a stick. Dragons will go into breeding mode before it tames so the hearts are misleading. How do I ride/tame a dragon? - You can tame a dragon by feeding it any kind of vanilla fish. Eggs won't be lost if you leave the area.
This issue is not on our end.If you want to report issues, press issues tab next to Images, use this format.Minecraft Version : The version of Minecraft used to produce this bugForge Version: The version of Forge used to produce this bugLLibrary Version: The version of LLibrary used to produce this bugDM2 Version: The version of Dragon Mounts 2 used to produce this bugThese are step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug. Go into the configuration of your torohealth/damage indicator/other mod and turn off model preview. How do I fix this? - This is a common issue that people face. My screen turns white when I look at a dragon. A dragon will follow where you're pointing, using the controls WASD. Now this mod gives a crafting recipe to saddles.
Avoid simply stating the opposite of the observed result when possible.Here is where you put a bullet list of other details about the bug that could be of use. Describe it as if it actually happens rather than stating that it should happen. If it only happens some of the time, mention that along with an estimate of the percentage of the time that it occurs.Describe what should happen instead when you do the repro steps.
The screenshot should reflect the bug, and may need some markup to highlight the problematic behavior. Do not simply paste in your logScreenshot showing the bug in action.